St. Martin - Activities


St. Martin-Vésubie

and the surrounding area are

a paradise for nature lovers.

St. Martin-Vésubie and the surrounding area are

a paradise for nature lovers.

The Colmiane, is a hub of activities with a Horseback Riding Center, a High Ropes Course, ATV adventures, Hang Gliding

and a Via Ferratta. For more information,

visit the website of the Tourist Office of the Colmiane.

Around the Boréon Lake, you will find a lake for fishing,

hiking trails, a horseback riding site, 

a small pond for trout fishing for our “younger” fishermen, and Alpha, a park to visit wolves in their natural habitat.

The Park de Mercantour, hiking trails, canyoning. For all the possible activities, see  ESCAPADE les guides de Mercantour.

At the heart of the park, you will find the Madone de Fenestres.

This historical church is still home to a 600 year old Madone which is transported up and down the mountain each summer.  For more information about its history and culture

the Tourist Office of St. Martin- Vésubie see “présentation”.

For the less sporty, there is the Museum of Traditional Fare and cultural tours of the towns. Also, the local Médiathèque (public library) hosts conferences and art exhibitions throughout the summer. For more information, visit the village website

the Tourist Office of St. Martin- Vésubie.